
The following sponsorships are available on a first come basis and can be locked in for future events. You will be invoiced prior to the event.

Platinum Sponsor $2500

4 platinum sponsorships available

    • Recognition in event workbook

    • Logo and company information on The Clarity Factor website as an event sponsor

    • Logo recognition on table tents

    • Recognition on opening and closing presentation slides

    • 4 complimentary tickets to an upcoming Clarity Factor event

    • 12 month subscription for RightNow Media

Gold Sponsor $2000

3 platinum sponsorships available

    • Recognition in event workbook

    • Logo and company information on The Clarity Factor website as an event sponsor

    • Logo recognition on table tents

    • Recognition on opening and closing presentation slides

    • 2 complimentary tickets to an upcoming Clarity Factor event

    • 12 month subscription for RightNow Media

Silver Sponsor $1200

2 platinum sponsorships available

    • Recognition in event workbook

    • Logo recognition on table tents

    • Logo and company information on The Clarity Factor website as an event sponsor

    • Recognition on opening and closing presentation slides

    • 2 complimentary tickets to an upcoming Clarity Factor event

    • 12 month subscription for RightNow Media

Bronze Sponsor $800

10 platinum sponsorships available

    • Invoiced annually

    • Logo and company information on The Clarity Factor website as an event sponsor

    • 1 complimentary ticket to an upcoming Clarity Factor event